The IN List: weekly shares the top events going on this week in & around Carmel. Be sure to keep an eye on Instagram stories from @keepingupincarmel throughout the week for any event changes or additions.

These events are all accurate at the time of posting, but be sure to call ahead or check vendor websites/socials before heading out.
Stay tuned for the weekend event list coming Thursday night!
Monday, Jan 15 - MLK Day
The Park at Traders Point: 8am-12pm & 1-5pm. 6590 S Indianapolis Rd, Whitestown, IN. Special holiday hours. Free to play, kids need socks and parents need an ID.
Free museum entry in honor of MLK day: Museums include: Indianapolis Zoo, the Eiteljorg Museum, the Indiana State Museum, the NCAA Hall of Champions, Conner Prairie, and the Children’s Museum. Check museum websites for hours and details!
Tuesday, Jan 16
Carmel Main Library Events: 425 E Main St, Carmel, IN. No registration required.
Tales for Twos & Threes: 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am. Free tickets available first come first serve at the kid’s desk 30min before start.
Book Buddies (Story time for kids 4-6): 10:30-11:30am. No ticket required.
Westfield Library Events: 333 West Hoover St. Westfield, IN. Registration required, more info here.
Story Time: 10:30-11:30am.
Fishers Library Events: 5 Municipal Dr, Fishers, IN. Registration required.
Storytime: 9:30am & 10:30am. Designed for older toddlers to preschoolers.
Pre-K Explorers with Ms. Donna: 1pm
Noblesville Library Events: 1 Library Plaza, Noblesville, IN. registration required.
Tot Tunes: 9:30am. Music and movement for toddlers and preschoolers.
Zionsville Library (Hussey Mayfield) Events: 250 N. 5th St. Zionsville, IN. call 317-873-8342 to register.
Tots session: 9:30am
Preschool Pals: 10:30am
Wednesday, Jan 17
Carmel Main Library Events: 425 E Main St, Carmel, IN. Free tickets available first come first serve at the kid’s desk 30min before start.
Little Ones (story time for kids ages 1-2) : 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am.
Exploratorium STEAM fun: 10:30-11:30am & 3:30-4:30pm. For kids ages 7-12 on their own.
Westfield Library Events: 333 West Hoover St. Westfield, IN.
Preschool Music & Movement: 10:30-11am.
Fishers Library Events: 5 Municipal Dr, Fishers, IN. Registration required.
Babytime: 9:30am & 10:30am. Designed for babies 0-24 months and their caregivers.
Moving and grooving: 2pm. preschool music and music class
Noblesville Library Events: 1 Library Plaza, Noblesville, IN. Registration required.
Tot Tunes: 9:30am Music and movement for toddlers and preschoolers.
Storytime: 10:30am. Designed for older toddlers to preschoolers.
Zionsville Library (Hussey Mayfield) Events: 250 N. 5th St. Zionsville, IN. call 317-873-8342 to register.
Tots session: 9:30am
Preschool Pals: 10:30am
Beginning Bird Hike: 9-10am. Cool Creek Nature Center. Free event for adults and older children. Bring your binoculars and hiking shoes! No registration required.
Preschool Nature Explorers: 10:30-11:30am. Cool Creek Nature Center, Carmel IN. Bundle up for a hike around the park! Free event. Registration required.
Disney on Ice: 7pm. Gainbridge Fieldhouse. Tickets required.
Thursday, Jan 18
Carmel Main Library Events: 425 E Main St, Carmel, IN.
Library Babies (kids 0-1 year old) : 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am. Free tickets available first come first serve at the kid’s desk 30min before start.
Bedtime Storytime: 6:30-7pm. For kids ages 2-5. No tickets required. Jammies encouraged!
Westfield Library Events: 333 West Hoover St. Westfield, IN. Registration required, more info here.
Baby Love: 10:30-11:30am
Noblesville Library Events: 1 Library Plaza, Noblesville, IN. Registration required
Babytime: 9:30am. Babies 0-24 months & caregivers.
Storytime: 10:30am. Older toddlers & caregivers.
Pre-K Explorers with Ms. Karen: 1pm
Zionsville Library (Hussey Mayfield) Events: 250 N. 5th St. Zionsville, IN. call 317-873-8342 to register.
Tots session: 9:30am
Preschool Pals: 10:30am
Disney on Ice: 7pm. Gainbridge Fieldhouse. Tickets required.
Friday, Jan 19
Festival of Ice: 4-8pm. Main Street, Carmel, IN. Ice carving demonstrations, free hot chocolate from 1832 Espresso Bar. Free event.
Koteewi Run Seasonal Slopes - season open. 11800 Koteewi Dr, Noblesville, IN. Book snow tubing time online in advance.
Romp & Stomp: 10-10:30am. Hussey-Mayfield (Zionsville) Library. Toddlers and Preschoolers join the librarians for music and dancing. Registration required.
Disney on Ice: 11am & 7pm. Gainbridge Fieldhouse. Tickets required.
The Taylor Party - Taylor Swift Night (21+ event): 8pm. The Vouge, Indianapolis, IN. Tickets required.