The IN List: weekend shares the top events going on this weekend in & around Carmel. Be sure to keep an eye on Instagram stories from @keepingupincarmel for any event changes or additions.

These events are all accurate at the time of posting, but be sure to call ahead or check vendor websites/socials before heading out.
Friday, Jan 5
PokÉmon Play, Trade, Craft: 10-11am. Carmel Main Library. Ages 6-11 (no younger siblings may attend). Bring your cards and trade, play, and make a craft. Free event, registration required.
Holiday Tree Recycling: 1-4pm. Central Park - Westermeier Commons Playground parking lot, Carmel, IN. Drop off your decoration-free tree and enjoy a hot beverage on us.
Pajama-Rama: 7pm-7:45pm. Cool Creek Nature Center. Put on your favorite pair of PJs and bring a blanket. Instructor from Moriah Music will lead the kids through songs and stories.Best for kids ages 1-7. Registration not required.
Indiana Pacers vs. Atlanta Hawks: 7pm. Gainbridge Fieldhouse. Tickets required.
Saturday, Jan 6
Peanut Butter & Jam: Movers and Shakers: 10:30am. The Studio Theatre, Carmel, IN. With Relevations Dance Studio. Join the dance party! Kids will learn dance fundamentals in this fun, interactive program. Designed for kids ages 1-7. Tickets required.
FIRST LEGO Robotics Demonstration: 1:30-4pm. Carmel Main Library - teens program room. Robot fans of all ages are invited to a robotics demonstration. Free, no registration required. More information, here.
Read to a Therapy Dog: 11am-12pm. Noblesville Library. Readers 5 and up can practice their skills reading aloud to therapy dogs. Free, no registration required.
Paws to Read: 2:30-3:30pm. Carmel Main Library. Readers ages 6-11 can register for a 15 min time slot to read aloud to therapy dogs. Registration begins at 1:30pm at the Kid’s desk, first come first serve.
Indianapolis Colts vs. Houston Texans: 8:15pm. Lucas Oil Stadium. Tickets required
Indiana Pacers vs. Boston Celtics: 7pm. Gainbridge Fieldhouse. Tickets required.
Sunday, Jan 7
Beginning Bird Hike: 9-10am. Cool Creek Nature Center. Free event for adults and older children. Bring your binoculars and hiking shoes! No registration required.
Story Castle Cinema: 1:30-3:30pm. Westfield-Washington Public Library. Showing Snow Buddies. Free event, registration required.